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1900 Sherrington S 01 (1).jpg

A handicap race circa 1900. Sam Sherrington, in the dark top, was an early star of the Club.

About this site


If you wish to get in touch with the author, please do so via the 'Contact' section. Perchance you will have some additional snippet to add to a mini-biography or correction to a statistic.  All constructive suggestions will be gratefully received.


The author is particularly indebted to Clive Shippen: his research led him to record the story of the club up to the Great War of 1914-1918; also to Steve Williams who gathered many statistics some 30 years ago; but we also owe thanks to all those many others who saw fit to record something of what went on in their day, whether it be a note or two in the minutes of our committee meetings, a report in a newspaper or a club gazette.


Information available from this site, particularly when of a statistical nature, will often be in the form of portable document files (pdf files) which are most suitable for printing. If using information from this site please quote the source:

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